How to use Kleo on LinkedIn

You've installed Kleo and are now wondering how to access all its features.

Here's your 1-minute Kleo Masterclass:

When installed correctly, you will see the Kleo sidebar button in the top right of your screen.

You can:

  1. Drag the button to change its position

  2. Click the button to open the Kleo sidebar

When you're viewing your LinkedIn feed (or any screen that's not a personal or company profile), open Kleo to view a selection of popular posts from LinkedIn users.

Here's the definition of Popular Posts:

50 top-performing posts randomly selected from Kleo’s database. Each shuffle shows posts above 1,000 likes and only one post per profile.

Whilst viewing Popular Posts, you can:

  • 'Shuffle' to view a fresh selection of posts

  • Search keywords to find specific posts

  • View posts published in a timeline

  • View specific formats (text-only, carousels etc.)

  • Sort the posts (likes, newest etc.)

Creator posts

To view all of a LinkedIn user's posts, go to their profile and open Kleo.

If Kleo has never loaded the user's posts in the past, you will be prompted to "load posts". This will take a few seconds, depending on the number of posts the user has.

If Kleo has loaded the user's posts in the past, you can see the last time their posts were 'fetched' by looking at the date below their name.

To load a user's most recent posts, click the "Refresh" button.

Now you're able to:

  • Search keywords to find specific posts

  • View posts published in a timeline

  • View specific formats (text-only, carousels etc.)

  • Sort the posts (likes, newest etc.)

Editor mode

This allows you to preview your content before posting and improve the look of your content with helpful buttons that:

  • Bolden words or sentences

  • Add bulleted or numbered lists

  • Sort lists in length order

  • Provide preview for mobile, tablet and desktop

To access this feature, you first need to enable it within the Kleo sidebar. Here's how:

  1. Click the "settings" icon in the top right of the Kleo sidebar

  2. Ensure "Editor mode" is "enabled"

  3. Go to the top of your LinkedIn feed and click "Start a post"

You should now see the post preview on the right-hand side of your screen.

Need help?

If you encounter any issues while installing Kleo, please reach out to our support team by emailing or submitting a ticket. We'll help you right away!

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